
Athletica Newsletters

Lessons Learned: Embracing Transparency in High-Intensity Training

Published 14 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

Today, I want to take a moment to reflect not just on our scientific principles and successes, but on the lessons learned through real-world experiences—both the triumphs and the missteps.

A Journey of Learning and Unlearning

Recently, I stumbled upon a Substack titled "AI: Show me your working. No working, no marks". It struck a chord with me because, at Athletica, our roots in science demand that we not only leverage data but also openly share our methodologies—our "working," so to speak.

From Errors to Insights

Reflecting on my own journey, there have been pivotal moments that have profoundly shaped my approach to coaching. Just yesterday, during the Collaborate Webinar on high-intensity interval training hosted by Dan Howells, I was reminded of these moments. When asked about the optimal frequency and intensity of HIIT (1:22:00), I responded with the seasoned caution of "It depends." But this answer has layers steeped in years of direct experience and some misjudgments.

I've erred in the past. Recommending HIIT once or twice a week at VO2max seemed practical, yet I witnessed it leading to injuries among those just starting off—leaving me questioning my advice. At another time, advising elite athletes to maintain days of recovery between HIIT sessions was contradicted by the legendary coach of Olympic 1500m champion John Walker, who shared publicly with me that his athlete successfully engaged in HIIT nearly every day in his lead up to victory.

These experiences were humbling, revealing the complex nature of fitness coaching, where one size does not fit all. They taught me that the true art of coaching lies in adapting to the individual needs of each athlete – remembering that we are all athletes.

Harnessing Technology to Personalize Training

Recognizing these complexities, we developed the Workout Reserve feature in Athletica, powered by real-time data to tailor training more precisely than ever before. This tool provides a dynamic look at an athlete's recent performance metrics, giving us insights into what they're truly capable of handling today, not just in theory but in real, actionable terms.

Moreover, our newest integration with Garmin devices enhances this capability, providing instant feedback that helps guide training decisions. The guesswork that once plagued our coaching can now be mitigated with data-driven insights that respect the uniqueness of each athlete.

Invitation to Learn with Us

In the spirit of openness, I invite you to join our free mini-course on the anaerobic speed and power reserve. It’s designed to deepen your understanding of the principles that guide our adjustments and recommendations at Athletica.

Enroll in the all new free Athlete Profiling Primer Mini Course and share your journey and insights with us. Your experiences enrich our community and help us all grow together.

Warm regards,

Paul Laursen, PhD

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