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Lessons Learned: Embracing Transparency in High-Intensity Training

Hello Reader, Today, I want to take a moment to reflect not just on our scientific principles and successes, but on the lessons learned through real-world experiences—both the triumphs and the missteps. A Journey of Learning and Unlearning Recently, I stumbled upon a Substack titled "AI: Show me your working. No working, no marks". It struck a chord with me because, at Athletica, our roots in science demand that we not only leverage data but also openly share our methodologies—our "working,"...

13 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, We’ve been talking up Athletica’s latest innovation, the Workout Reserve, in our recent communications. It’s become a staple feature, one you’ve probably seen displayed on your go-to Garmin device during a training session. In this update, I have the privilege of sharing an exceptional application of the Workout Reserve, presented by its creator, Dr. Andrea Zignoli. His analysis, published here in our blog, underscores how this proprietary tool was pivotal in charting Enrico...

20 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, As co-founder of and someone who has dedicated a significant portion of my career to understanding and enhancing human performance, I’ve had the privilege of exploring the frontiers of athletic training. Today, I want to share a part of this journey that has fundamentally shaped our approach at the integration of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and prolonged endurance training to unlock peak performance. Rewind to 2010, when I penned an invited...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of training platforms, Athletica stands out, especially after the recent industry shakeup with the departure of Today's Plan. This shift has left coaches pondering one critical question: can my new platform integrate AI in a way that enhances my coaching, not undermines it? The buzz at the latest Endurance Exchange was all about this very topic. Coaches are curious and cautious — will AI replace their expertise, or will it serve as a tool to elevate their...

4 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, A very Happy New Year to you! We're thrilled about what 2024 has in store. For those of us bracing against the cold in the northern hemisphere, it's a perfect time to set personal milestones. At Athletica, our resolution is to help you achieve your peak in health and performance this year. Here's what's new to help with that resolution. Release #1: Recovery Profile Chart As we speak, I’m literally on my way out the door to the Endurance Exchange conference to speak about the...

4 months ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader, This marks my final Coaching Prof note for 2023, yet I'm eager to see its return in the New Year. I'm filled with gratitude for Athletica's journey thus far, all thanks to our dedicated team and the enduring support from our members, athletes, and coaches. Your feedback has been instrumental in shaping Athletica's growth. And we're just getting started. Here are my top highlights of the year and some thoughts for 2024: Consistency and health are key to becoming the athlete you...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Mastering the delicate balance between work, family, and training is no small feat—it's an art that every age-group athlete aspires to perfect. In the pursuit of this equilibrium, the key lies in finding the right balance and maximizing every aspect of our lives, from training and racing to recovery and nutrition. Our goal is clear: make the most of the precious hours in our days and weeks. Recognizing that training consistency alongside adequate recovery is paramount for any...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Dear [Subscriber's Name], We're thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new podcast: The Athlete's Compass. The weekly podcast is your compass for navigating endurance training and health. In this show, we explore the cardinal directions of training, nutrition, recovery, and mindset, delving into the dynamic relationship that drives success for the everyday athlete. What's in Store for You: Personal Stories: Dive into the inspiring and often funny journeys of our hosts, coach, scientist,...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, In our last instalment of the Coaching Professor, we delved into the world of VO2max intervals, exploring the benefits of consistently pushing beyond 90% of your maximum. This form of training stimulates powerful signals that foster adaptive enhancements in both VO2max and overall performance. Today, let's explore a concept often referred to as the 'priming effect.' What exactly is the priming effect? In simple terms, it's akin to revving your engine at high intensity before...

6 months ago • 1 min read

Dear [Athlete's Name], Exciting News from Athletica!We're thrilled to bring you two major updates that are set to revolutionize your training experience. 1. Meet Your New AI CoachWe're proud to introduce the AI Coach Summary, a groundbreaking feature designed to provide personalized, coach-like feedback after each workout. Think of it as your virtual mentor, offering constructive and educational insights to help you grasp the big picture of your training. You can find it on any swim, bike or...

6 months ago • 1 min read
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