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Unlocking Peak Performance: The Power of Workout Reserve in Pro Cycling's Grittiest Moments

Published 21 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

We’ve been talking up Athletica’s latest innovation, the Workout Reserve, in our recent communications. It’s become a staple feature, one you’ve probably seen displayed on your go-to Garmin device during a training session. In this update, I have the privilege of sharing an exceptional application of the Workout Reserve, presented by its creator, Dr. Andrea Zignoli. His analysis, published here in our blog, underscores how this proprietary tool was pivotal in charting Enrico Zanoncello's victorious ride with VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizanè in the opening stage of Il Giro d’Abruzzo Crédit Agricole—where he claimed the coveted Maglia Azzurra.

For this insightful analysis, we extend our gratitude to Enrico and his team for the openness in sharing their race data, enabling us to delve deep into the workings of the Workout Reserve™. This tool, which scrutinizes rolling mean power output, offers real-time insights into an athlete's proximity to their peak historical power during the heat of competition. By integrating Enrico’s data into Athletica, we crafted his power profile reflective of 21 well-curated training sessions. But now, take a moment to consider the race’s closing data: a Workout Reserve dipping to -16%!

That’s not just a number—it’s a testament to Enrico’s grit, pushing past his known power ceiling in the most crucial leg of the race.

This is no isolated case. Athletica users are consistently breaking new ground in their performance, in both short bursts and endurance trials—and yes, often dramatically so in competition settings.

Workout Reserve isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s as unique as your fingerprint. Tailored to your last six weeks of training, it dynamically adjusts, giving each session the context it deserves. With Workout Reserve as your guide, you and the athletes you coach, can push for those breakthroughs with a newfound certainty.

For more stories of triumph and to share your own experiences with the Workout Reserve, join the conversation in the Athletica Forum. We’re eager to hear how this feature is reshaping your journey.

Warmest regards,

Paul Laursen, PhD

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