
Athletica Newsletters

Unlock Your Potential with VO2max Training Insights 🚴‍♂️

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

In this edition of the Coaching Prof Newsletter, I'm excited to share a fantastic response to a burning question posed by one of our remarkable Athletica coaches, Marjaana Rakai:

"What's the best training for enhancing VO2max?"

Enter my partner in crime, PhD student Filip Kolodziej, affectionately known as #babyplews. Drawing inspiration from the recent triumph of former PhD student Dan Plews at the Ironman California event, Filip breaks down the science behind VO2max training in a way that's both informative and engaging.



🏆 Congratulations to The Plews!


Now, let's dive into #babyplews' insights. As we always say, there's more than one way to skin a cat in training, but understanding the science behind it can guide us on the most efficient path. If you have 15 minutes to spare and a thirst for knowledge, I invite you to join Filip poolside with his whiteboard as he explains the strategic purpose of having VO2max sessions in your Athletica training plan.

Filip delves into the distinction between threshold and VO2max training, unraveling their impact on VO2max. He elucidates the three intensity domains depicted clearly in your Athletica Performance Profile - moderate, heavy, and severe - and their unique physiological responses during exercise. Crucially, Filip emphasizes the significance of spending time above 90% of your VO2max for optimal training adaptation.

Whether you favour short HIIT sessions or longer intervals, Filip provides a clear perspective on how each method influences your oxygen consumption, propelling you toward your VO2max goals.


video preview​


🔍 Can't Spare 15 Minutes? Here's the Quick Takeaway: Specific VO2max intervals, where you consistently push beyond 90% of your maximum, are potent signals that trigger adaptive enhancements in performance. So, the next time a VO2max session appears in your plan, remember the valuable lesson from #babyplews and the performance gains that await you.

Best regards,

Paul Laursen, PhD

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